IBCC是中国文化部官方认定、北京市政府支持的国际比赛,由中国国家大剧院主办。第二届大赛将于2013年7月5日——7月13日在北京国家大剧院举行。宗旨在挖掘优秀的芭蕾舞演员及舞蹈编导;促进国际间的舞蹈艺术交流。古典比赛年龄限制:17—26岁(即1987年7月1日至1996年6月30日之间出生)。编舞比赛年龄限制:18 – 40 岁(即1973年7月1日至1995年6月30日之间出生的),但必须是专业演员或专业编舞。
IBCC is an international competition officially designated by the Ministry of Culture of China, supported by the Beijing Municipal Government, and hosted by the National Centre for the Performing Arts. The 2nd competition will be held at NCPA in Beijing from 5th to 13th July 2013.
Tenet: To pick out promising ballet dancers and excellent choreographers, and to further promote international exchanges.
Classical Ballet applicants should be 17–26 year old professional ballet dancers (referring to competitors born from 1st July 1987 to 30th June, 1996).
Choreography applicants should be 18-40 year old professional dancers or choreographers (referring to competitors born from 1st July, 1973 to 30th June, 1995).